Sunday 5 October 2014

A five days self-driving travel

I was come back to my home last holiday and had a five days self-driving travel with my family members. My hometown is Xin Jiang province, which is in the northwest of China and it is the largest province in China. We around the north of Xin Jiang by car. First day, we driving 800 kilometers and reached the lack of Kanas, which is famous for sprite in it. But it was night when we arrived, so we decided visited in next day. In the morning of second day, we looked around the lack and get more information about the sprite in this lack. In fact, the sprite is only a type of big cold fish living in this lack after a survey of scientists and they also found the biggest fish is 8 meters long. After that, we visit a place called ”the  devil city”.  This is a place for many years by the wind erosion. When the wind through the place, the sound of the wind is like the devil's cry. So that this place called “the devil city”. But the sunset was beautiful in that day. 

Here are some photos took by me. Do you like this place? 


    Post by Annie LIU

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